CQWW CW 2014 Log Checking Report
CQ WW ContestのDirector、K5ZD/Randyから2014 CQ WW DX CW Contestのlog checking reportが届いたので、いつものように反省会を・・・
CLAIMED-SCORE: QSO's=1,340 Country=139 Zone=39 Billing Score=661,270
1. Summary
1340 Claimed QSO before checking (does not include duplicates)
1323 Final QSO after checking reductions
3717 Claimed QSO points
3588 Final QSO points
139 Claimed countries
139 Final countries
39 Claimed zones
39 Final zones
178 Claimed mults
178 Final mults
661626 Claimed score
638664 Final score
3.5% Score reduction
1.3% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
14 (1.0%) calls copied incorrectly
1 (0.1%) exchanges copied incorrectly
2 (0.1%) not in log
17 (1.2%) duplicates (Removed without penalty)
1 (0.1%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)
2. Results By Band
Band QSO QPts Zone Cty Mult
Claimed 15M 1340 3717 39 139 178
Final 15M 1323 3588 39 139 178
3. Not In Log
21069 CW 2014-11-29 0949 JN4MMO 25 UY0CA 16
QSO: 21069 CW 2014-11-29 0948 UY0CA 599 16 9H3TX 599 15 0
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2332 JN4MMO 25 B7P 24
4. Incorrectly copied
21063 CW 2014-11-29 0013 JN4MMO 25 KM1D 5 correct KG1D
21063 CW 2014-11-29 0115 JN4MMO 25 BD5DM 24 correct BD5XM
21017 CW 2014-11-29 0425 JN4MMO 25 RW0W 18 correct RA0W
21048 CW 2014-11-29 0729 JN4MMO 25 OH6MJ 15 correct OH6MW
21051 CW 2014-11-29 1023 JN4MMO 25 DJ2MDX 14 correct DJ2MX
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2240 JN4MMO 25 AI8A 4 correct AF8A
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2245 JN4MMO 25 NI6QDH 3 correct KI6QDH
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2250 JN4MMO 25 WA1BAM 5 correct WA1ZAM
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2325 JN4MMO 25 K1TK 5 correct K1TO
21075 CW 2014-11-29 2327 JN4MMO 25 KA3GES 5 incorrect call
21057 CW 2014-11-30 0138 JN4MMO 25 WJ0B 3 correct WJ9B
21031 CW 2014-11-30 0901 JN4MMO 25 OH5ZE 15 correct OH5Z
21017 CW 2014-11-30 0913 JN4MMO 25 GA1P 14 correct 9A1P
21070 CW 2014-11-30 2128 JN4MMO 25 K7AKZ 3 correct K7ACZ
5. Incorrect Exchange Information
21063 CW 2014-11-29 0143 JN4MMO 25 W0RSP 4 correct 3
6. Unique Calls Worked (not removed)
21079 CW 2014-11-30 1116 JN4MMO 25 HB9EBT 14
7. Stations Copying Your Exchange Incorrectly
8. Stations Copying JN4MMO Incorrectly
21063 CW 2014-11-29 0029 NE0U 4 JN4AMO 25
21050 CW 2014-11-29 0428 UY5QQ 16 JN2MMO 25
21000 CW 2014-11-29 0650 TA3D 20 JN3MMO 25
21000 CW 2014-11-29 0845 OK1BA 15 JN4MNO 25
21068 CW 2014-11-29 0938 DK6CQ 14 JN4MNO 25
21000 CW 2014-11-29 0947 Z35F 15 JM4MMO 25
21045 CW 2014-11-29 2142 HI3A 8 JN5MMO 25
21000 CW 2014-11-29 2317 W5AG 4 JN5MMO 25
21063 CW 2014-11-30 0218 VE7GL 3 HJ4MMO 9
21000 CW 2014-11-30 0615 SP6JOE 15 JN4NMO 25
21017 CW 2014-11-30 0914 IK4EWX 15 JI4MMO 25
21017 CW 2014-11-30 0943 RW9RN 17 JN3MMO 25
21017 CW 2014-11-30 0948 OH9VD 15 JA4MMO 25
21070 CW 2014-11-30 2238 N6JV 3 JN3MMO 25
21069 CW 2014-11-30 2357 N5AW 4 JH4MMO 25